20 PCS(10pasang)-RM30
60 PCS(30pasang)-RM78
100 PCS(50pasang)-RM100
Dalam badan manusia toxin akan dihantar berada jauh daripada jantung.Ini bermakna toxindisimpan dibahagian bawah tubuh anda atau dikaki.Herba dan bahan semulajadi didalam penampal DETOX akanmenghangatkan kaki anda seterusnya membuka titik akupunture di tapak kaki anda.
Tourmaline dan Bamboo Vinegar.Bahan premium kami menawarkan Tourmaline asli tertinggi sebanyak 30 % (1.50g of 5) dan Bamboo Vinegar sebanyak .60 grams. Dengan penampal kaki DETOX ini dapat membantu anda mengurangkan paras toxin dalam badan anda.
Antara Kebaikannya adalah:-
a) Berasa lebih bertenaga b) Mengurangkan alahan (seperti asthma dan lain-lain alahan) c) Menstabilkan tekanan darah tinggi d) Melegakan sakit-sakit sendi e) Meningkatkan sistem imunisasi f) Melancarkan pengaliran darah g) Mencegah kaki berbau
LANGKAH 1 - Tanggalkan lampiran pelekat dan buangkan pembalutnya
LANGKAH 2 - Letakkan penampal DETOX dibahagian tengah tapak kaki anda , pastikan permukaan yang bertulis menghadap permukaan pelekat.
LANGKAH 3 - Lekatkan dan selerakkan secara kemas kebahagian tapak kaki.untuk keputusan yang lebih berkesan lakukan untuk beberapa kali sebelum masa tidur.Untuk pemakaian didalam rumah waktu biasa kurang dari 8 jam.
LANGKAH 4 - Biarkan untuk tempoh sehingga 8 - 12 jam untuk toxin diserap sepenuhnya dari tubuh anda sebelum anda menanggalkan pelekat DETOX tersebut.
Q and A
1) How do toxins affect me?
Ignoring body toxins can cause poor health, illness and disease. Today's lifestyles do not support the body's ability to naturally remove toxins. The body's immune system has been compromised through the accumulation of toxins. It is important that toxins be removed regularly to insure and maintain good health.
2) How do they remove toxins from my body?
Eastern medicine has long held that the body is connected by meridians and that access to these meridians causes a flow of energy (chi) through the acupuncture points on the outside of the body. If we stimulate an acupuncture point it will activate energy (chi) in the body corresponding to internal points thus bringing strength to weak areas of the body. The foot is considered the second most sensitive area of your body next to your heart. The intelligence of your body will naturally send toxins as far away from the heart as possible for protection. That means toxins and decontaminates are collected in the lower portion of your body, at your feet. The combination of herbs, saps and other natural ingredients first; tenderly warm and slightly open the acupuncture points in the soles of the feet then allow the pads to gently draw toxins from the body into the pad.
3) Are they safe to use?
They do not deliver any chemicals to the body. They are only topical and draw toxins out of the body. You ingest nothing therefore they are completely safe. Nevertheless, we recommend that you discontinue use if any allergic reactions occur. Our foot patches were tested and certified safe and with non detectable heavy metals by FDA lab certification and ISO 9001 for quality.
4) How often should I use foot pads?
It is recommended that they be used for at least one month for complete cleansing. You will know how your detoxification is progressing by the color of discharge on the pad. As the pad diminishes in colorization you will know that the detox is coming to an end. The length of time for this to happen varies with each individual. Some will detox relatively quickly others much longer depending upon life styles, immune system fatigue, and other variables.
5) Do the foot pads contain chemicals?
No, they are 100% natural ingredients and none of the ingredients enter the body. The ingredients merely stimulate and draw from the inside out.
6) Can I apply pads to a backache?
Yes, There are two ways other than to the feet that you can apply detox pads. If you study the acupuncture chart you will see there are points all over your body that correspond to various internal organs. These points are located specifically over a meridian flow so that the stimulation of the herbs can be sent directly to any pain or weak organs. If you have specific joint or muscle pain you can apply directly over the area for temporary relief.
7) Can they ease pain caused by gout, arthritis and rheumatism?
Yes! Users from around the world have received temporary pain relief. Pads are not a cure for maladies but can act as an efficient relief from pain caused by them.
8) Can I reuse the pads?
The pads are for single use only. Once the pad is activated by the resonance in the foot and toxins release onto the pad, any reuse would not be as potent or hygienic.
9) Are there any side effects?
Aside from allergies to the ingredients used, no side effects have been noted.
10) Why do my joints hurt even more?
Each of us responds to our healing process in different ways. You may experience a form of healing crisis. Users experiencing this are likely to have chronic problems. Reflex points will act to assist your body in its recovery process. If this is the case you will find the discomfort is tolerable and it will disappear in a day or two with continued use of the pad.
11) Why do I feel tired when using foot patch?
You may require more sleep as your body begins to release toxins.
12) Is there anything that will enhance their effectiveness?
It is wise to wash the site of application, to remove lotions, oils or anything that will block the pores. Soaking your feet in warm water can enhance circulation and aid in opening your pores. You may want to wear socks if your feet get cold. The pads are activated by your body heat and normal skin moisture. Be sure to drink plenty of water and assure good contact between foot and pad.
13) If I'm taking medication will using them contradict this?
None of the ingredients are taken into your body, so there is no need for concern.
Tanda-tanda seseorang itu BANYAK toksin:
- Kerap sakit kepala.
- Badan akan berasa letih tanpa sebarang sebab.
- Susah bangun tidur.
- Bahagian keliling mata gelap.
- Bahagian-bahagian tertentu di permukaan kulit seperti di bahagian bawah lengan, celah paha dan sebagainya juga akan kelihatan gelap daripada warna asal kulit.
- Banyak angin, alahan, inflamasi pada sendi.
- Sinus.
- Berat badan meningkat.
- Kehadiran selulit.
- Masalah jerawat dan banyak lagi.
Toksin berlebihan mempengaruhi emosi:
Kajian yang menunjukkan bahawa jika seseorang mengalami toksin berlebihan dalam badan ia bukan hanya melibatkan fungsi anatomi tubuh tetapi emosi juga seperti:
- Rasa was-was/ragu-ragu.
- Mudah berasa marah.
- Emosional
- Sering tidak tenang.
Toksin yang tidak dibuang menyebabkan lymphatic system (sistem limfa) tidak berfungsi dengan baik. Ia menjadikan seseorang degil, tidak boleh duduk diam, kelam kabut dan tidak yakin dengan kebersihan.